Thetford selectors switch 6 position suitable for Thetford fridges.
Thetford series 30 round sink bowl.
Thetford SFD Hinge Pin.
Thetford Shallow Upper Door Bin N97 & N110
Thetford shelf clip small.
Thetford shelf tray insert suitable for N90 and N97 model fridges.
Thetford shut off and 3 thermocouples kit type S.
Thetford shut off kit ad 3 thermocouples type C after 18/10/2011.
Thetford spares kit sink bezel 2100mm.
Thetford spark electrode.
Thetford spart electrode suitable for N100, N104, N145 and N150 series fridges.
Thetford Piezo spark electrode.
Thetford spark ignition rocker switch.
Thetford Lipseal for Porta Potti's
Thetford SR bottle retainer.
Thetford bottle retainer to fit to drawer bins of T2000 series compressor fridges.