Accessorize your awning with a range of storm supports and tie down kits including the full range of Fiamma Rafters and Rafter Pro. Camperlands also stock an extensive range of buckle tie down kits, door poles and rear support poles to give your awning a better seal against your caravan or motorhome.
Awning fixing kits for mounting the Fiamma F35, F45 and F65 case awnings to your camper van or motorhome. With kits available for Sprinter, Ducato, Transit and all varieties of VW camper it is easy to choose the correct adapter kit for your vehicle for safe and secure fixing of your Fiamma awning.
Add a little privacy or shade to your Fiamma caravan or motorhome awning with a range of rooms, walls and sun-shades for the Fiamma range of awnings. Camperlands stock the Fiamma Blocker and Blocker Pro side panels for Fiamma F45 and Caravanstore awnings and offer great prices on Privacy and Safari rooms.
Fiamma Kit Awning Plate, formally known as Fiammastor Plate, offers additional security when setting up your awning. The ultra-tough plates slot over the top of the existing foot plates of the awning and provide 5 additional pegging points
Fiamma Kit Cables Guide is a kit of 2 elegant flexible profiles suitable for hiding the electrical cables in the awnings with arms provided with guide preset for the passing of cables. Made of flexible extruded rubber. One Kit is required for Fiamma Awning Arms LED and two kits are needed for Fiamma Kit Awning LED.
Optional telescopic horizontal bar fits across the front of the Fiamma Privacy Room to increase stability of the panels in case of wind. Kit Magic Privacy Front fits to Fiamma F45, Fiamma ZIP and Fiamma Caravanstore awnings with Privacy Rooms manufactured from 2013 onward.
Optional telescopic horizontal bar fits across the front of the Fiamma Privacy Room to increase stability of the panels in case of wind. Kit Magic Privacy Front fits to Fiamma F45, Fiamma ZIP and Fiamma Caravanstore awnings with Privacy Rooms manufactured from 2013 onward.
Optional telescopic horizontal bar fits across the front of the Fiamma Privacy Room to increase stability of the panels in case of wind. Kit Magic Privacy Front fits to Fiamma F45, Fiamma ZIP and Fiamma Caravanstore awnings with Privacy Rooms manufactured from 2013 onward.
Optional telescopic horizontal bar to increase the stability of the side panel on Fiamma Privacy Rooms. Magic Privacy Side clamps to front leg and rear Privacy Room pole and is suitable for Fiamma F45 and Caravanstore Privacy Rooms including ZIP versions.
Pair of telescopic canopy poles in aluminium supplied with 2 x guylines and 2 x pegs to extend the door of Rear Door Cover Ducato and Rear Door Cover VW T5 as an additional canopy.
Compressible, self-adhesive seal to cover the gap between the awning case and the van roof for Fiamma F65 awnings. Prevents water run off from the roof dripping down the side of the van and prevents draughts from under the awning case if a Privacy Room is fitted.
Convenient Rubber Guard to seal the space between the awning and the vehicle wall to prevent water drips.
Kit Rain Guard Van is a special version for F45 and F35 awning fitted to vans where the awning is spaced out from the van wall.
Special version Fiamma Rain Guard for Fiamma F35 and F45 awnings fitted to VW California T5 and T6 generations. Rain Guard seals the gap between the van roof and the awning case to prevent draughts and water ingress.
Keyring style connection ring to add to privacy room zippers allowing you to use your awning crank handle to zip together privacy room panels.
The Fiamma Mega-Bag is a strong and durable bag that's easy to clean. Suitable for transporting all manner of goods in the storage compartment etc. The Mega-Bag is available in 2 versions; Mega Bag and Mega-Bag Light.
The Mega Bag Elite is a strong and durable large storage bag that's easy to clean. The Mega Bag Elite is the ideal bag to store and carry your Fiamma Privacy Room or you front and side panels for your awning.
A large storage bag ideal for storing complete Fiamma Privacy Rooms, or front and side panels. The Mega Bag is black and grey with red handles and measures 195 x 25 x 25cm.
The new version Moskito Net Pro, has double function: apart from being a real mosquito screen it acts also as shade panel, blocking about 60% of light, and it assures extra privacy inside the vehicle. Composed by two overlapping panels 52cm wide and 230cm high.
Pair of seals to prevent water dripping in on Fiamma Privacy Room fitted to F45 L and ZIP L awnings.