Guarantee a great nights sleep with warm and snug sleeping bags and your choice of folding camp beds, camp mattresses and camping airbeds. Lightweight camping mats cater to the more budget conscious camper and Camperlands also sell a selection of airbed pumps and pillows to make the camping experience a little more comfortable.
Get off the ground when camping and enjoy a comfortable nights sleep with a strong and sturdy folding camp beds that will keep you away from the cold ground for a warmer, more restful night.
Quality campbeds from Kampa, and Sunncamp and even the new double campbed.
Self Inflating Mattresses are a high quality alternative to Air Beds or other types of Camping Mats. While they are usually thinner than Air Beds, Self-Inflating mats have an inner foam structure making them better insulating and often more comfortable. They are also usually more stable so they don't shift around under your weight like an Air Bed can.
The thinner Self-Inflating mats make a great alternative to cheap Camping Mats as they are lightweight and have a small pack size but have better insulation and comfort. While the thicker Self-Inflating mats, some with integral head rests and side walls, make a very luxurious Camp Bed.
The Outwell Stretch Sheet is a protective double sheet cover for your self inflating mat (SIM). The Stretch sheet gives you a more home-like fleeing and gives you comfort whilst you are away from your bed at home.
The Outwell Stretch Sheet is a protective single sheet cover for your self inflating mat (SIM). The Stretch sheet gives you a more home-like fleeing and gives you comfort whilst you are away from your bed at home.
The Outwell Sky 2 is a 12v and 230v electric pump, which is suitable for inflating or deflating Self-Inflating Mats (SIM), Airbeds, small dinghies and other small inflatables. You can either plug the Sky 2 into your car's cigarette lighter point or other 12v sockets which you have to either inflate or deflate you inflatable or if you have a mains connection on site or you are at home it can be used with a 3 pin plug.
The Outwell Sleepin Double 10cm is a range of self inflating mats which are lightweight and can be packed away smaller than other double self inflating mats which are available. The Sleepin meets the insulation expectations of touring campers who are looking for a mixture of a compact design but still have the full size comfort.
The Outwell Sleepin Double 7.5cm is a range of self inflating mats which are lightweight and can be packed away smaller than other double self inflating mats which are available. The Sleepin meets the insulation expectations of touring campers who are looking for a mixture of a compact design but still have the full size comfort.
The Tostado is a strong and durable folding single camp bed. It has easy locking legs which create a stable base to make sure that the bed doesn't shift when getting on or off of it. If you want the added comfort whilst camping the Tostado is compatible with single self-inflating mats and also has elasticated holding straps on each corner of the frame to hold the self-inflating mat in place.
Stormsure is a flexible repair adhesive / glue used on tents and awning canvases to repair small holes.
This convenient compact kit consists of patches, glue, caps and bungs for the general repair of any airbed. This essential kit is perfect for home, camping or festivals.
The luxurious Comfort range of self-inflating sleeping mats offers unrivaled comfort and convenience, featuring 10cm of optimised insulation with a stylish, soft-touch flocked finish on the top-side and a durable non-slip base.
The luxurious Comfort range of self-inflating sleeping mats offers unrivaled comfort and convenience, featuring 10cm of optimised insulation with a stylish, soft-touch flocked finish on the top-side and a durable non-slip base.
The luxurious Comfort range of self-inflating sleeping mats offers unrivaled comfort and convenience, featuring 10cm of optimised insulation with a stylish, soft-touch flocked finish on the top-side and a durable non-slip base.
Updated for 2020 with a stylish Embossed Non-Slip top surface, the luxurious Comfort 7.5cm Single self-inflating sleeping mat offers unrivalled comfort and convenience.
This Airbed is perfect for a great nights sleep after a day exploring the outdoors. The Vango Double Flocked Airbed offers support and a soft surface for a peaceful night's sleep. Simply pump up in a few minutes and deflate just as fast when you are packing away.
The Shangri-La, as the name suggests, is the pinnacle of Vango's self inflating mat collection.Designed to provide all the comfort of your bed at home with the convenience of a small pack size. In about 30 seconds the Shangri-La will be ready to use. If you prefer a firmer feel to your bed, it's easy to top up the mattress with a few extra puffs of air to find the level that is just right. The vertical walls of the mattress provide a flat and level top to the bed and the super soft stretch fabric provides a plush sleep surface making the Shangri-La the ultimate in camping mattress technology
This luxurious Vango Shangri-La inflating matt offers unrivalled comfort and convenience featuring 7.5cm of optimised insulation with a stylish soft touch.
Features vango's new unique core cutting construction to create a smaller pack size. The vertical walls of the mattress provide a flat and level top to the bed and super soft stretch fabric provides a plush sleep surface.
This luxurious Vango Shangri-La inflating matt offers unrivalled comfort and convenience featuring 7.5cm of optimised insulation with a stylish soft touch.
Features vango's new unique core cutting construction to create a smaller pack size. The vertical walls of the mattress provide a flat and level top to the bed and super soft stretch fabric provides a plush sleep surface.