Guarantee a great nights sleep with warm and snug sleeping bags and your choice of folding camp beds, camp mattresses and camping airbeds. Lightweight camping mats cater to the more budget conscious camper and Camperlands also sell a selection of airbed pumps and pillows to make the camping experience a little more comfortable.
Get off the ground when camping and enjoy a comfortable nights sleep with a strong and sturdy folding camp beds that will keep you away from the cold ground for a warmer, more restful night.
Quality campbeds from Kampa, and Sunncamp and even the new double campbed.
Self Inflating Mattresses are a high quality alternative to Air Beds or other types of Camping Mats. While they are usually thinner than Air Beds, Self-Inflating mats have an inner foam structure making them better insulating and often more comfortable. They are also usually more stable so they don't shift around under your weight like an Air Bed can.
The thinner Self-Inflating mats make a great alternative to cheap Camping Mats as they are lightweight and have a small pack size but have better insulation and comfort. While the thicker Self-Inflating mats, some with integral head rests and side walls, make a very luxurious Camp Bed.
This Airbed is perfect for a great nights sleep after a day exploring the outdoors. The Vango Double Flocked Airbed offers support and a soft surface for a peaceful night's sleep. Simply pump up in a few minutes and deflate just as fast when you are packing away.
Replacement air bed plugs pack of 3
The Kampa Dometic Dream Double is an double camp bed, it's innovative design makes the Dream a fast folding but exceptionally stable and has an integrated headrest / pillow. It provides you with superior comfort and support for frequent / regular campers and can be used as an emergency spare bed at home.
A double Air Bed with flock finish, the Outwell Flock Classic represents a basic Camping Bed ideal for beginner campers on a budget looking to get started and gear up. The Outwell name and a decent design make it stable and comfortable enough to offer a good night's sleep and reassure that it's better made than other Cheap Air Beds.
Size: (L)190 x (W)135 x (H)20 cm
The Outwell Reel is a single and lightweight airbed which is made up of a series of horizontal ribs and durable Polyester Pongee material which combine to provide you with a stable airbed which doesn't shift or stretch like some PVC airbeds can, without the expense and bulk of a self-inflating mat whilst it still retains a small pack size at a sensible price.
The Sunncamp Camping Bed Mat is a lightweight foam roll-up mat. It insulates you from the cold ground and is non-absorbent so it stays dry on wet ground and is washable and waterproof. This makes it an ideal cheap bed mat for hikers, climbers and trekkers.
Measures (L)180 x (W)50 x (D)0.8cm.
Superior lightweight camping roll mat with foil layer for extra insulation. The Deluxe Camping Bed Mat is a lightweight bed roll made from waterproof and washable foam.
Ideal for hikers and trekkers as well as a cheap camping bed option for festivals.
12V electric pump suitable for airbeds, small dinghies, li-los, pool toys and other inflatables. Plug in to the car power point or other 12Volt socket to blow up small inflatables without effort.
Rechargeable quick inflator for Camping Air Beds runs from its own power pack so still works when power isn't available. The Kampa Whirlwind Pump can be recharged from both Mains and 12Volt electrics.