A handy fold away bowl for pets.
Union jack door mat.
The Vango kitchen windshield protects your cooker from draughts and the wind. Open size W62cm D33cm H31cm
Self adhesive stick on velcro white.
Velcro brand heavy duty 50mm tape.
Velcro Self Adhesive Beige. Sold by the metre
Via Mondo 19L washing up bowl.
Via Mondo collapsible dish drainer blue/grey.
Via Mondo collapsible washing up bowl.
Via Mondo travel steam iron.
Specially sized for caravans and boats.
Designed to ensure that toilet rolls will not fall off or unravel whilst travelling.
Made of plastic and comes complete with stainless steel screws and covers.
W4 toothbrush holder.
This wine glass holder is a perfect storage solution for caravans, motorhomes and boats. Featuring six clips, it will securely hold up to six wine glasses in place, even when you're on the move