Metal drop plate for lowering the bolt-on towball on your towing vehicle to suit the height of the trailer or caravan.
Has two height options for lowering towball up to 4 inches (102mm).
Al-ko long neck bolt on towbar kit complete with fitting bolts, nuts and spring washers. Al-ko Towball has a longer than standard neck and higher ball giving increased space required by stabiliser hitches.
Al-Ko AK270 coupling head.
Al-Ko breakaway cable detachable.
Al-Ko breakaway cable designed for looping around your tow ball or through attachment point on towbar.
Towball cover to fit standard 50mm towball keeps grit and grime from building up on the towball which can gum up the hitch.
High visibility red towball cover to fit standard 50mm towball keeps grit and grime from building up on the towball which can gum up the hitch.
Al-Ko blue soft ball towball cover.
Plastic towball cover with red reflector & AL-KO logo.
Designed to fit AL-KO extended neck towball.
1 Inch Aluminium towball spacer plate. Can be fitted behind bolt on towballs to increase the gap between the ball and vehicle.
1 Inch Aluminium towball spacer plate. Can be fitted behind bolt on towballs to increase the gap between the ball and vehicle.
Aluminium spacer to give increased clearance between towball and rear bumper.
1/2 Inch Aluminium towball spacer plate. Can be fitted behind bolt on towballs to increase the gap between the ball and vehicle.
1/2 Inch Aluminium towball spacer plate. Can be fitted behind bolt on towballs to increase the gap between the ball and vehicle.
2 Inch Aluminium towball spacer plate. Can be fitted behind bolt on towballs to increase the gap between the ball and vehicle.
Thick PVC boot cover to protect the towball from the elements and to stop you getting grease and grime off the towball on your clothes when using the car boot.